
November 2014 - September 2018

I have been enrolled in the PhD program at Sapienza University of Rome.
My PhD thesis "Supporting Situated Spoken Human-Robot Interaction through Perceivable Context" focused on the usage of context to improve several Spoken Human-Robot Interaction tasks.

My advisor was Prof. Daniele Nardi.

February 2014

I received my Master's degree in Computer Science Engineering at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
The title of my thesis was "A network-based contextual model for semantic characterization of opinions in Twitter".

My supervisor was Prof. Roberto Basili.

May 2010

I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
The title of my thesis was "Un ambiente web per l'indicizzazione ed il recupero multilinguale di documenti multimediali" (A web-based environment for multi-lingual indexing and retrieval of multimedia documents.).

My supervisor was Prof. Roberto Basili.